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Take control of your health
without gimmicks, special
supplements or “hacks”.
Just use REAL FOOD.

  • No need to count calories, points, fat, carbs, or protein grams.
  • No more anxiety about what to eat.
  • No need for exotic ingredients or special culinary skills.

Take control of your health
without gimmicks, special
supplements or “hacks”.
Just use REAL FOOD.

  • No need to count calories, points, fat, carbs, or protein grams.
  • No more anxiety about what to eat.
  • No need for exotic ingredients or special culinary skills.

We need to change the way we think about food

…and we can do that together

If you’ve tried any of the trending diet or nutrition programs recently, you may be confused and overwhelmed.

Is fat the cause of heart disease? Are carbs the cause of weight gain and diabetes? Do I need to go vegan to be healthy? What about gluten and dairy and macronutrient counts and intermittent fasting?

No wonder we’re all confused.

The problem is that most of these ideas (and the research behind them) aren’t being applied to a world where food is just food. We’ve processed and stripped the vital nutrients from much of our food in the name of shelf stability, convenience, and an overdeveloped sweet tooth.

Back when food came mostly from farms in fairly natural states, eating fewer calories than you burn probably did a nice job of keeping you healthy and trim (diseases notwithstanding). Unfortunately, our food landscape is quite a bit different now.

28 Days To Clean books show you how to navigate our current food system in a simple way that strips out all the fads and gimmicks and just gets back to real food. Imagine a way to eat that just makes sense and works. That’s 90/10 Nutrition and 28 Days To Clean.


28 Days To Clean Express is a follow up book to the original. It is called “EXPRESS” because the information in the front of the book is condensed to a “cliff notes” format. Either book can be done on its own or back-to-back in either order.

How both books are structured

Part I: Clean Eating

Part I will give you the ins and outs of clean eating in a concise and simple format (even more concise in the Express version). You won’t need to learn everything in detail, but you’ll understand why this plan is structured the way it is.

Part II: The Plan

Part II is a 28-day plan completely laid out for you. There’s an entire page for each day to help you stay on track for the 4 weeks. There’s even a transition section to help you do it on your own when you’re done.

Part III: The Recipes

All the recipes you need to complete the 28-day plan are included in the book with full color pictures. The recipes don’t require exotic ingredients and they’re simple to make. You’ll enjoy tasty meals that are practical for people with limited time and experience.



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